Little info

"I may not have a Rabbit, but I do know many things about them. Trust me!"

Monday, April 1, 2013

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

Many people agree Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are great together. They do have somethings in common. Even in kids toys they make Rabbits and Guinea Pigs friends like in 'Littlest Pet Shop' (link). They even look the same. If you put rabbit ears on a Guinea pig, it looks like a rabbit...kinda.
Many Animal Shelters keep Guinea Pigs and Rabbits in the same room, due to the shortage of cage space. By doing that, the Guinea Pigs and Rabbits started bonding and became friends. When the Guinea Pigs get adopted, the Rabbits became depressed. It's like losing a family member. Guinea Pigs and Rabbits are easy to care for together because they have similar housing, dietary and health. Guinea pigs are usually easier to introduce to a rabbit. While guinea pigs generally make good rabbit friends, it's important to make sure both animals are healthy because they can carry diseases which may be harmful to the other species.

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