Little info

"I may not have a Rabbit, but I do know many things about them. Trust me!"

Monday, April 1, 2013

Home sweet Hutch

Did you ever move away before? Did you feel stressful? That's how rabbits feel when they get adopted and move to a new house. Before you get your Rabbit, make sure you have the basic supplies like:
The most important Supply is a Hutch. Not everyone uses Hutches for their rabbits, some uses cages. It's fine to use a cage but some rabbit cages don't have enough space so they can move around in.

 If you have a wire hutch, PLEASE put a rug or cardboard on hutches floor so the Rabbit's feet won't get sore!
Wood and Wire hutches are most used Hutches. I prefer you should get a Wood hutch. Wood hutches can be outside (maybe inside too). It can protect your rabbit from the weather. All the hutches should be way bigger than the rabbit. At least 48 inches bigger than the rabbit. It should have a daytime play area and a separate sleeping compartment. You can even build the hutch yourself!

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