Little info

"I may not have a Rabbit, but I do know many things about them. Trust me!"

Sunday, April 7, 2013

100 Pet Pageviews!

Sunday April 7th 2013 on 9:47AM is when I got 100 pageviews
I want to thank all the people who I linked this blog to and people who just found this on Google. Also a huge thanks to all the rabbit books I read in the Library! Also I want to thank all the pet rabbits in world. And a big thanks to all the blogs who inspired me!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bunny Body Parts (not finished)

Scent Glands:

A rabbit has a scent glands near the bottom and beneath his chin. The rabbit only uses the glands to mark his territory by releasing a distinctive scent.

The mouth:

The mouth of a rabbit holds 28 teeth. 6 of them are incisors while all the others are molars. Chewing and gnawing usually wears the down. Rabbit teeth grows forever.

Hind Legs:

The rabbit's be-hind legs are longer than their front legs. The hind legs always touch the ground before the front legs when the rabbit runs. When the rabbit thumps their hind legs, it means they need attention or to warn others in danger.


The whiskers or the rabbits face are very long. Whiskers are used to touch things that are close to the rabbit's face. Also used to feel the rabbit's way around in the dark.

The Eye:

Rabbits can detect movement from a long distance. They have 3 eyelids. The 3rd one protects their eyes from hazards, such as dust storms. 


Rabbits have a great sense of smell. The rabbit's nose has millions of scent receptors that detect all kinds of odors. A rabbit can twitch their noses 20 to 120 times in a minute. 

The Ears:

Coming Soon....... 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rabbit Models!

This isn't info, this is..............Rabbit News! Starring Me, Nicole! Imagine i'm a Black lop rabbit like this:

"Hello. Today, I've been searching on pictures of rabbit breeds. Suddenly, I saw a cute picture of a rabbit wearing a dress."

"Do you know what breed that is? If you guessed Californian, you're correct!"
"Anyway, I decided to have a Model show. Right now, i'll put a few pictures of Rabbits wearing cute outfits!"

"The winner for cuteness is......the black lionhead!"
"The winner for best outfit is......the brown dutch!"

Monday, April 1, 2013

Home sweet Hutch

Did you ever move away before? Did you feel stressful? That's how rabbits feel when they get adopted and move to a new house. Before you get your Rabbit, make sure you have the basic supplies like:
The most important Supply is a Hutch. Not everyone uses Hutches for their rabbits, some uses cages. It's fine to use a cage but some rabbit cages don't have enough space so they can move around in.

 If you have a wire hutch, PLEASE put a rug or cardboard on hutches floor so the Rabbit's feet won't get sore!
Wood and Wire hutches are most used Hutches. I prefer you should get a Wood hutch. Wood hutches can be outside (maybe inside too). It can protect your rabbit from the weather. All the hutches should be way bigger than the rabbit. At least 48 inches bigger than the rabbit. It should have a daytime play area and a separate sleeping compartment. You can even build the hutch yourself!

Rabbit on the Moon

Have you ever saw the dark spots on the moon? It's not there because of the craters. If you look very closely on the dark spots on the moon, you i'll see a rabbit making soup, lying down or hopping. I believe in this Legend and i'll tell you the story. This is an East Indian fable about generosity.
One day, the Lord of Heaven arrives disguised as an old wanderer. He is tired and hungry. He asks three friends if they can find him something to eat. The monkey brings nuts, and the fox brings fish, but the rabbit couldn't find anything. The rabbit is very sad that he has failed to find anything for the visitor's meal. He asks the monkey to gather some wood. Then, asks the fox to light a fire with the wood. Suddenly, the rabbits says "Please, eat me!" and throws himself into the flames. The Lord of Heaven is so impressed by the rabbit's selfless action that he takes the rabbit's body to Heaven to be buried in the Palace of the Moon.

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

Many people agree Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are great together. They do have somethings in common. Even in kids toys they make Rabbits and Guinea Pigs friends like in 'Littlest Pet Shop' (link). They even look the same. If you put rabbit ears on a Guinea pig, it looks like a rabbit...kinda.
Many Animal Shelters keep Guinea Pigs and Rabbits in the same room, due to the shortage of cage space. By doing that, the Guinea Pigs and Rabbits started bonding and became friends. When the Guinea Pigs get adopted, the Rabbits became depressed. It's like losing a family member. Guinea Pigs and Rabbits are easy to care for together because they have similar housing, dietary and health. Guinea pigs are usually easier to introduce to a rabbit. While guinea pigs generally make good rabbit friends, it's important to make sure both animals are healthy because they can carry diseases which may be harmful to the other species.

In the Mood for Rabbit Food!

Every Rabbit can get hungry once in a while. Always give your Rabbit fresh foods in small amounts. If you fed your rabbit too much, it can likely cause your rabbit to be sick. Rabbits are herbivores AKA vegetarians. They don't eat meat AT ALL!!!!! Rabbit pellets are the easiest way to provide proper nutrition for you Rabbit. Your rabbit's diet should be supplemented (added to make complete or whole; improved) with fruits and vegetables. Also give your rabbit plenty of hay/water. The hay and water helps your rabbit's digestion. The amount of food your rabbit requires depends on its size, age and specially the breed. Most rabbits are fed once or twice a day. Always keep your rabbits bowl full.
NEVER give your rabbit food like:
Unless the vet says it's okay.